Elite + Masters Beach National Team Kick-Off
Hello Swiss Ultimate women!
Do you like to play Ultimate on the beach ? You know: no cleats, soft sandy touchdowns …
What about playing Women’s Ultimate on the beach? Tempting? Then we have a plan for you 🙂
The plan is to send an Elite Women’s AND a Master Women’s Beach national team to WCBU 2021 and to EBUC in 2023 (?). That seems far away, but gives us the opportunity to start off with a player’s base that is as big as possible (extended roster) which gives more players the chance to practice and grow in the context of a national team — and gives the team more time to grow together. The Elite and Master programs will run mostly parallel. This way we hope to create a synergy: playing against each other, learning from each other.
To kick-off we are inviting Swiss Ultimate players of all levels and ages to come to Beach Halle in Berne on the 1st and 2nd of February 2020. Think of it as a workshop, where we play some Beach Ultimate, but also find out what our possibilities/expectations are, which and how many preparation trainings and tournaments we want to set for ourselves, etc. The kick-off event is completely non-committal. Level of play and years of experience don’t matter. The only criterion is that you are at least 18 years old.
If you are interested, please fill in this google form by the end of November.
Hope to see a lot of you at our women power kick-off event!
Sarina, Femke and Derek
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us: